Posted by David Sherman on Friday, August 01, 2003 at 4:24PM :
In Reply to: Re: O.T. a different diesel engine question posted by Joe Lorenzino on Friday, August 01, 2003 at 0:58AM :
Did that massey have a Stanadyne pump? If so, could you change the seal yourself or did you have to get the pump profe$$ionally rebuilt?
I have a 4-cyl Standyne on a John Deere and it has a window in the side of the housing for looking at the timing mark and the housing is full of diesel during normal operation. I don't think the 6-cyl pump on this Allis engine has the window, but it looks like the same style so maybe its housing is full of fuel during normal operation too. That would make it more likely to leak down the shaft. It appears to drive off the timing gears, rather than the camshaft like the JD. There are no other fuel lines (supply, injector, or return) that connect with anything connected with the engine block in a way that a leak could get into the crankcase.
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