Hole in Piston, Expert Opinions Please !?!?!
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Posted by Sean Butler on February 17, 1999 at 22:22:19:

Hi Guys, Day before yesterday while climbing a hill on I-5, my truck (WC-4, with 57 L6 230) chugged and started running rough, vacuum guage started jumping, thought it was blown head gasket, got home, got a new gasket, pulled the head to find intact gasket and a nickel sized hole in piston #3. I called my buddy U.S. Navy Diesel inspector, his suggestions for possible causes were: 1. a hot plug. 2. bad oiling. 3. foreign object damage (FOD). The plug was no hotter than the rest, it was what the book called for, But it was not tight. The other 2 causes were ruled out. Do you think that the fact that it wasn't tight could cause it to not dissipate it's heat to the head, and cause it to run like a hot plug and burn the piston? Any suggestions, fixing it is easy, finding out what caused it is the hard part. Thanks Sean.
Follow Ups:
- I think I've decided Sean Butler 22:06:38 2/20/99
- I think I've decided Sean Butler 22:05:56 2/20/99
- Re: Hole in Piston, check you air cleaner!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Dave 17:46:54 2/20/99
- Re: Hole in Piston, Expert Opinions Please !?!?! davey k 10:40:36 2/19/99
- Re: Hole in Piston, Expert Opinions Please !?!?! Winget 06:41:04 2/19/99
- Re: Hole in Piston, Expert Opinions Please !?!?! Jim in OK 21:45:20 2/18/99
- Thanks Guys Heres a picture. Re: Hole in Piston, Expert Opinions Please !?!?! Sean Butler 21:02:37 2/18/99
- Re: Hole in Piston, Expert Opinions Please !?!?! davey K 20:40:22 2/18/99
- Re: Hole in Piston, Expert Opinions Please !?!?! Alan Bowes 11:00:42 2/18/99
- Re: Hole in Piston, Expert Opinions Please !?!?! Mark Whitten 10:55:07 2/18/99
- Re: Hole in Piston, Expert Opinions Please !?!?! Bert 05:34:48 2/18/99
- Re: Hole in Piston, Expert Opinions Please !?!?! Jack Smith 00:10:45 2/18/99
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