Re: Steering box and death wobble possibly solved for good

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Posted by Vaughn [] on Sunday, March 10, 2019 at 21:31:46 :

In Reply to: Re: Steering box and death wobble possibly solved for good posted by Nick [] on Sunday, March 10, 2019 at 18:33:20 :

Ok, it’s out whack! Since you have more lash on the left, you’ll need to do both procedures.


1. Center the steering wheel by turning it all the way to the right or left until it stops, then turn it all the way to the opposite direction till it stops counting the number of full turns, then turn opposite direction half the number of turns to center the steering wheel.

2. Loosen the housing bracket stud nuts and eccentric sleeve lock nut.

3. Turn the eccentric rivet slightly in the counterclockwise direction, and check right side.

4. After the steering knuckles have been equalized, follow the procedures below.

5. Once sector tooth and worm contact are adjusted, tighten the eccentric jam nut first, then the housing stud nuts.


1. Take off the drag link at the steering gear arm.

2. Remove the adjusting screw lock nut.

3. Slide off the lock plate beyond the boss on the cover.

4. Back off the adjustment screw until you can turn the steering wheel full travel: end-to-end of the sector shaft travel.

5. Center the steering wheel by turning it all the way to the right or left until it stops, then turn it all the way to the opposite direction till it stops counting the number of full turns, then turn opposite direction half the number of turns to center the steering wheel.

6. Turn the adjustment screw just enough to eliminate any free play between the sector shaft and worm. You can pull/push on the sector to check.

7. Install the lock plate you may have to back off the adjustment screw slightly so the plate lines up with the boss to slide to cover.

8. Install and tighten the lock nut.

9. Check the steering gear operation for any binding and backlash, turn all the way right and left to end points.

10. Using an inch pound torque wrench, turn the steering wheel end point to end point. Reading should be between 5 – 10-inch pounds, any more and the sector has been moved in too far and will need to be backed off slightly and rechecked.

11. Once adjustment is correct, reinstall drag link.

12. Jack up front wheels and turn steering wheel end-to-end to ensure knuckles seat against stop screws.

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