Posted by bruce in CO on Monday, March 24, 2003 at 1:39PM :
In Reply to: Re: MOAB TRIP IS WITHIN 30 DAYS!!! posted by Russ/Wyo on Monday, March 24, 2003 at 9:12AM :
I talked with Carl B. a few weeks back and he indicated that due to some scheduling conflicts, different members of the "HardCorps" gang will be in the Moab area on 2 consecutive weeks meaning that any newcomers would have some options on planning a spring 2003 Utah trip. If I've got this right, (please correct me if wrong!!!) you guys will be there from 04/20 thru 04/26 (the week after Easter Sunday, and the week following the big Jeep Jamboree). Carl and some others will be there the following week from 04/26 thru 05/03. The agreed rendezvous point would be the Motel 6 just north of Moab and south of the hwy 128 (Colorado River)intersection. If anyone needs Carl's phone number for more info on the 2nd week, send me an email. Bruce
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