Posted by CASEBRO on Friday, March 21, 2003 at 7:42PM :
A realistic expectation is 12-15mpg on a full size 4x4, don't believe everything the salesmen tell you. Dual exhaust will help mileage as well as performance, maybe you can do it at home. 4bbl carbs are not bad, you just have to keep your foot out of the secondaries, the primaries are smaller than a 2bbl would be. Any thing that improves performance will help mileage, if you can keep your foot lightly on the gas pedal- drive as if there was an egg between your foot and the pedal.Keep your speed down to 55, remember that from a few years ago? Keep it tuned up, a set of spark plugs will pay for themselves in a couple tankfuls.Dyno tune if you can locally. Have fun, goodluck.
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