Posted by Fred Coldwell on Tuesday, March 18, 2003 at 11:19AM :
In Reply to: NP201/NP205 posted by Mitch on Monday, March 17, 2003 at 10:55AM :
The NP 201 was used from 1957 to 1968 (maybe only to 1966 on W100/W200 trucks?) and is distinguished by a tall rectanglar PTO opening on the driver side that uses 10 bolts for the cover or PTO. It has an external parking brake on the rear opposite the transmission inuput shaft. Rear axle output is opposite transmission input shaft. Low range is 1.96:1. Internal "clunker" gear softens clutch engagement.
The NP205 was used from 1969 to 1974 (and maybe on later trucks, not familiar with them at all). Distinguishing feature is shorter rectangulae "SAE standard" PTO opening on the drivers side that uses only 6 bolts for the cover or PTO. Rear axle output is opposite transmission input. No provision on t/c for external parking brake, which was moved to rear axle parking drums on Dodge trucks using the NP201. Low range is 1.96:1. No "clunker" gear, newer design than 201. You'll need parking brakes in rear axle, or perhaps you can mix and match 201 t/c parts, don't know.