Random Thoughts

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Posted by MoparNorm on Tuesday, March 18, 2003 at 2:01AM :

At my web forum I have an occasional column that I call Random Thoughts. My editorials usually provoke much response with differing points of view, which is precisely the point. Tonight I share my latest Random Thoughts here because not everyone reads the Sweptline Forum and tonight is a special night.
It has been a while since my last "Random Thoughts" article, but this time (I hope) instead of stiring the pot, I have a request. The debate has ended, the line in the sand has been drawn. Whether or not you supported the decision, it has been made, we are going to war. In the 'old' days we debated at home but the debate stopped at "the waters edge" That is my request tonight, that we pull together as Americans, that we support our President and the Administration, but most of all that we support our troops as they put their lives on the line for our country. There are many potential perils facing us both on the battlefield and at home. May the war go quickly with minimal loss of life, on both sides, and may God watch over us and Bless the United States of American.

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