Posted by D Higgins on Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 12:25PM :
In Reply to: Re: If you ARE talking losing brakes going downhill, then... posted by Todd Wilson on Wednesday, March 12, 2003 at 0:24AM :
Those are from when the air pressure is lost on big trucks and when that happens the springs take over and lock the brakes. (Been there, done that) When a big truck is started and you try to take off, it will not go because their is not enough air pressure to dis-engage the springs. Then you may ask, why doesn't that happen when going downhill and the weight overtakes you? Again, while driving downhill you should keep a steady and light pressure on your foot brake (pending it is a drum setup and your foot pressure gauge registers about 2 or 3 psi)and NOT excessive pressure for that will glaze the pads and eliminate the friction that produces braking power. So springs or no springs, it is like rubbing steel against steel and trying to make it stop. Runaway ramp time.
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