Posted by MoparNorm on Friday, March 07, 2003 at 11:36AM :
In Reply to: Re: read it, doesn't make sense posted by Todd Wilson on Friday, March 07, 2003 at 10:36AM :
Mike is more qualified to answer this, but the ring, once "set" is probably safe, UNLESS the rubber is no longer in contact with the ring. Once in our Carryall we listened to a "bell" for about a week, we searched and searched for the cause, finally discovered that we had been riding on a 'flat', 22 ply combat tire for all that time ha!ha! The "bell ringing" was the ring clanking off of the rim because there was not enough air to hold it tight. So much for "setting" into place. Make a visual inspection to ensure that the ring is firmly in place before re-airing the tires.