Posted by HemiPower on Saturday, March 01, 2003 at 6:44PM :
In Reply to: Power Wagon Translation please posted by Joe Cimoch on Saturday, March 01, 2003 at 6:25PM :
Well my transaltor isn't home right now and this is a poor translation but i try.
Mr. Cimoch, visitè his very interesting pàgina of DODGE POWER WAGON, Yesterday interests muchìsimo to me since I am recovering a model 48.Sorpresivamente me saliò an announcement that I have gained tour to Orlando and Cancùn and a telefònico nùmero. LLamè and indicates to me that I must send money that serìa debited of my targeta of crèdito.Quisiera that You indicate the verasidad and seriousness to me if I have really gained the prize, hablè with Mr. Mendez same that it has the my nùmero of visit with which ganè premio.El tlf. to which it is due to call is 1 800 670 7385. By the aid that You can give agradesco him mucho.Su me friend of Dodge
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