Posted by Paul Ivazes on Saturday, February 15, 2003 at 8:23PM :
I have heard that the CA Hollister rally will be held on May 16,17 and 18 of 2003. If it is, then it would seem that free advertising would help promote the event and make it a more popular rally than before and more great people would show up with their great rigs. So why doesn't this event advertise in the Power Wagon Advertiser about this upcoming event. The PWA is the heart and soul of the PW community. We all subscribe to this great magazine. I have many friends that do not have computors and cannot find out about this event unless I tell them or someone else does. So to the people who are putting this great gathering together, please send a little note to the editor of the PWA so everyone who subcribes to this magazine can get the opprotunity to hear about the rally and make plans to attend. Also, a few pictures of the CA rally would be nice to see in the PWA. Thank You
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