Posted by Bill Wincapaw on Saturday, February 08, 2003 at 7:26AM :
In Reply to: Diesel / #2 home heating oil posted by sal on Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 8:45AM :
#2 off road( aka commercial,dyed ) fuel contains ( by law ) less then 1/2 of 1% sulfer and is not subject to road tax ( in Fla it 25cents/gal ). Green on road fuel contains less then 1/4 of 1% sulfer. The red/off road fuel is the same fuel that we,ve been running for the last 30 years,just now its dyed and legal for off road use only. I got stopped by a Dept of Treasury officer about a year ago and she check the tank on my fuel truck to see if I was running red fuel. She told me that the fine for getting caught with this stuff in your tank is a $1000.00 State fine, then a $1000.00 Federal fine,plus $120.00 a gal for any red fuel that I'm carring on my rig ( my truck can carry 2K gals ). Will it hurt your engine to run off road fuel? No. Will it hurt you to get caught running this stuff on the road? YES! Chances of getting caught if your not a commercial vehicle: Slim.
Bill Wincapaw