Posted by Kurt ask dave for title transaction docs. on Thursday, February 06, 2003 at 1:30PM :
In Reply to: Re: ..It is fascination with death, no matter who. posted by Kurt Hirte on Tuesday, February 04, 2003 at 2:36PM :
Buttler might have violated trading with the enemy laws if he bought them from viet nam, not sure really where they came from, never heard of anything being abandoned in Thailand, funny how no one ever botherd to check out if they are really viet nam trucks or just thai trucks, how did they paper abandoned US property from viet anm if we are prohibited from trading, did they just take them next door or were they in viet nam all the time? Sounds like some laws might have been broken here, maybe not,still smells to me, thats all, why can i not buy them direct from viet nam? What kind of paperwork do the truck titles have on them transferring ownership from viet nam to thailand to butler? Bet they have the abandoned Iowa title form on them. One might buy one of get it repoed or something by US government?