Posted by David on Wednesday, January 29, 2003 at 10:49AM :
In Reply to: OT - Durango Owners posted by Glen on Monday, January 27, 2003 at 11:19AM :
My 99 started to use oil. I thought it was the woman not putting any in. The check engine light came on and it would ping when accelerating. Took it in to the dealer for repair and they said it had a leaking intake manifold gasket. The engine had 38,000 miles and covered under warranty. they gave us a rental pt cruiser and called aweak latter to say it was a warped intake manifold and they needed to order one. Another week went by and they called to say it was not the manifold but a hole in the piston. Ordered new short block. Got the truck back with new engine another week latter with a bill for $5 and no hassles
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