Posted by nt on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 5:28PM :
In Reply to: Tandem Axle PW posted by Dave Maher on Tuesday, January 14, 2003 at 4:04PM :
bryan built one of the most creative powerwagons ever. He also sells 20 inch rubber conversion wheels so that you can run 9x20 Firestones and quit getting stuck with the dangerous and antique 9x16 ndt many obsess over. He makes his living with his trucks by using them in the rocks and mud. By the way the 6x6 wc was known for poor performance in the mud, unlocked rears with ndt=dead solders in ww2, could not back up as sorry ndt do not pull in reverse! I bet his rears wer locked, was on ebay while back and on m37 big electric site, mite search their archives when it comes back up.
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