Posted by wondering on Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 5:10PM :
In Reply to: Re: Wondering..( why you have so many friends??) posted by MoparNorm on Saturday, January 04, 2003 at 8:45AM :
Norm, you tried to help BCB on your forum straighten out the parts deal, why no ear here? Dave Butler has to follow law same as everybody else, you close your mind to the truth, if anyone else reads this go to the Iowa DMV website and check out what a bonded title is and costs and the period it takes until it cleans up, 3 years. Norm i thought you would check to to see if what i said was truthful in anyway. I guess its proof that the leaders of the forum don't care if law is followed or people screwed by advertisers here, ebay has become a dumping ground for the scalpers and title washers to rip people off, look at the trucks sold here without titles. where is the leadership and ethics huh? One guy bought a truck from an 83 year old man without a title, think his heirs knew what was going on or it was right thing to do? Did the person go back and give him more money because he boughht it cheap enough to fix up with out title costs so he could ebay it? If an truck has no papers they should restored not scalped off to another state to wash title with bond! I guess the goverment will have to legislate that all mv sold on ebay have title before offering for sale! I do not post due to hate mail from people who do not like transfering money from there pocket to the gov to keep themselves from breaking the law. How is someone going to know where the vpw truck came from if it sold without a title? A Iowa bonded title is not going to show the truck came from, because if the truth was told it was purchased without a title in the first place! Dealers should lose there license to sell if this is the case and i hope i am wrong, lets vpw post the title transaction and see for our own eyes, comon norm, where is the title for the truck?
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