Posted by Chris Lube Lublin on Monday, December 16, 2002 at 10:44AM :
In Reply to: .........PLEASE........ posted by BrittnCool on Sunday, December 15, 2002 at 10:58PM :
I was raised up in a strict Southern Baptist background and I always said that I would NEVER drink. Well the Day I turned 21, I went out and got hammered. Needless to say, I did start drinking. I found out that when I took a sip of Whiskey, then within minutes the 5th would be down, and if I was not totally trashed, I would crack open another 5th and drink on it till I passed out. I did not like any kind of beer, Strictly whiskey like Jack Daniels. At the time I turned 21, I was having Job problems, girl problems, I could not keep a vehicle running and my parents had just divorced a couple months prior. I was in a deep depression and was a total basket case. Life was not good at all. I drank very steadily for almost 3 months and I was drunk all the time. Finally one night in November 2000, I got trashed so bad, I thought I was going to die. I had hit rock bottom. Well I felt so bad, I said that if God would allow me to make it thru the night, I would NEVER drink again. Well its been over 2 years now, and I have not touched another sip of whiskey, and I dont have the desire to. I have seen so many people ruin their lives as well as the lives of others because of Alcohol. Nothing good has ever come from drinking and getting drunk.