Posted by Willy-N WOW I can't Wait too! on Saturday, December 14, 2002 at 0:41AM :
In Reply to: Re: What would you pay for this truck? posted by Frank USMC on Friday, December 13, 2002 at 2:56PM :
We use our Fire Trucks as Brush rigs! Man they take a beating around where I live. I have seen them blow a driveshaft out of one it ten minuits on a fire! 250-350 gals of water in the back of a truck off the road beats the heck out of the frame and a lot of other parts. I fight fires and sometimes you need to get out fast and those rocks do a number to the rigs. Not many miles put on ours either. First Responce Brush Fire Fighters have to get into some tight spots that city Fire Trucks never see. Mark H.