Posted by Sparky on Monday, December 09, 2002 at 6:31PM :
I have a 1960 Wm300 and I have started to do a rebuild of the rear axles and hubs, etc. I had some axle shaft studs missing so when I removed the hub to replace studs and seal, bearings. I noticed that the orignal axle studs (2) were broken off. One stud already had a broken e-z out hung in it and then in my wise and handy dementia I went ahead and used probaby too small of a e-z out to extricate the other broken stud and then I to had broken a e-z out off into the axle stud. My question is how do you remove broken e-z outs? I have tried drilling but the bits don't even seem to faze the e-z out material. I am using titanium bits and was wandering what would a machinists use. Are carbide bits available? What would a good size of bit to use be?? The studs are a combination type with a 3/8 corse in the hub and a 7/16 fine for the axle shaft. HELP?? Thanks Sparky
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