Posted by joe on Saturday, December 07, 2002 at 3:02PM :
Recently pulled in a farmal c tractor to boneyard from the back, i noticed the pulley and adapter seems to be exactly the same as the bolt hole pattern on the powerwagon, there are 3 companies building aftermarket 3 point lift conversions for these old tractors, anybody ever thought about reproducing one? I need some better pictures of the drawbar/pto/3point arms than the vintage dvd, i ordered the fred colwell book but it has not arrived yet, anybody have an idea where to get a parts books so to reproduce or blowup the details? Would mail disap 35 cammera to anyone if you would be so kind to share your lift arm photos, ptos, controls, pump, misc. Thanks, my post hole digger is kinda like the one off the powerwagon in the dvs but wrecked beyond repair, blowtorched in pieces when iron was up i guess. Thanks. Of course all will be posted to forum if interst is there, the dvd is best powerwagon info i have ever seen but wish i had all the films it was lifted from, where was the powerwagon ranch with all the atachments located, is it still there by a one in a million shot?
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