Posted by Todd Wilson on Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 11:39AM :
In Reply to: So, is 78K miles considered "high Mileage"? posted by tom in boise on Thursday, December 05, 2002 at 10:07AM :
I dumped Mobil 1 synthetic into my 86 Honda Prelude at 120000 miles and it took to it just fine. No leaks or burning.
I have heard higher mileage engines may start to burn oil if changed over to synthetic. I also had a friend change over to it with a 70's Chevy truck 6 cyl and it didnt have hardly any oil pressure. He drained it out and put dino back in it and it ran normal oil pressure #'s. Truck continues to run with no problems of any kind other then the body rusting off it.
If you have oil leaks they could get worse with sythetic also. I have also heard older engines gaskets dont do their jobs well against synthetic and could leak. Like if you found an old WDX sitting somewhere and brought it back to life its probably not a good choice for synthetic until an engine rebuild is done.
I am sure some will disagree with my info here or have had better luck but I was a little nervous about going to synthetic on my 95 Ram. I was driving 100 miles a day on a commute and changing the dino every 3000 miles. Time was more of a problem then the money and when I priced everything 6000 miles on sythetic was the same price as 2 changes of dino. After doing a lot of reading and studying I made the change and then did it to 2 more cars I own with no problems at all.
I still run dino in my old 440 D200 and my Chargers and John deere diesel tractor. And dont think I will change those over.
I have heard of stories of some getting 1-2 more MPG when they changed the entire vehicle over to synthetic (tranny-rear end- transfer). Also heard some had to adjust the idle down a little bit as the slick synthetic made the engine idle a little faster since it didnt have dino oil drag on it?!?!
I am sure theres plenty of stories out there.
I have had good luck with 3 vehicles and a friend who didnt have any luck.
I would say your v10 ram would take to it just fine at 78000.