Posted by eric on Saturday, November 30, 2002 at 4:29PM :
In Reply to: Auto Painting posted by Mike Hoffman on Friday, November 29, 2002 at 5:25PM :
Mike...if you buy a Devibis spray gun you will never regret it...siphon feed guns waste too much paint in the form of overspray...i used a devilbis MBC for years...great gun but too much waste...then i bought a GFG-516 gravity fed... this gun has a control for atomization(how fine it breaks the paint particles down) the boces that i teach at has purchased Devilbis HVLP gravity atomization control and these guns do not break the paint down fine enough...painting with it is like connecting the dots...and they are BIG dots...great for epoxy and urethane primer...but produce a very textured final coat(ORANGE PEEL)... at $450.00 each i expect better...color sanding and buffing is a must with these 45 i guess i'm old fashioned too...i've painted somewhere in the thousands of cars over the past 20+ years and i like the spray gun to do the work...not me and the buffer...the name says it all GFG great f_ _ _ ing .02