Posted by Keith in Washington on Tuesday, November 26, 2002 at 10:47AM :
In Reply to: Re: Lesson Learned posted by Vaughn on Monday, November 25, 2002 at 9:27PM :
Back up and think about it. Speed was not the important factor when the PWs were made. No freeways. We think about speed too much. 45 MPH with a work truck on a country road was just fine. The PW were work trucks and not freeway cruisers. Dodge designed the the PW gearing to keep the engine and drive train turning at what they considered optimal RPMs. So when you you got the 4.89 gearing they reduced the tire size to 7.50 16. The trucks with 7.50 16 tires were also rated at a ligher pay load if I am correct. I believe that this was due to the tires and not significant changes in the suspension. I do not believe that you could order the 4.89 gears with the 9.00 16 tires.
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