Posted by joe on Monday, November 25, 2002 at 7:56AM :
In Reply to: Re: Photos: PW Boom Truck. Photo #2 posted by Jackson Reimund on Sunday, November 24, 2002 at 11:54PM :
Looks really interesting, would it have been a setup with live gin poles, where the extra winch could be used to lower raise the load while winching, third winch it there was one might have been a fast line for pulling water well pipe joints? Any idea if anyone around where you bought it remembers what it did, have you searched internet for manf of body? What are the ears on the back of the bed far, any idea, could have been for pump or rotary drive for drilling rig? Very nice restore if you could find out what it did, is transfer case out of w/c 6x6 with extra driveshafts for winches(axles in 6x6). What exactly is the rear of the truck set up for, does it have pto back there as well? sure was a workhorse looks like!