Posted by Junkyard dog on Friday, November 22, 2002 at 7:04PM :
mark i heard the flathead 6 was good for 20,000 miles because of the bearings . then it was a good idea to roll new ones in . reading the post way down below i see someone has said alot more miles depending on what they did for work. i have 19.704 on mine it is out and in time will get rod-main-cam-bearings,and a valve is out so i will take a little longer and do it. you might get more millage out of yours. mine worked on a tree farm .and deliverd wood to a collage untill 1964 . in 2001 i found it . it in a barn, the man had past away in 64 still had the original registration plates on it funny when i went to get it they were gone . man that still agravates me to this day