Posted by MoparNorm on Friday, November 22, 2002 at 3:20PM :
In Reply to: Gas wells flow to california from texas posted by dozerhead on Friday, November 22, 2002 at 10:28AM :
How in the world did you jump from Jonas' truck getting stolen to Jonas filing down VIN numbers and illegally forging titles????
No,... you are not wrong, I am concerned about preserving the history of these trucks, and yes you are wrong about the DTA website, there are no broken links there they have been repaired, you probably haven't been there in a while or you have dead, stale, cookies in your temporary files cache. And as far as dead and stale, while it is not in the league with Joe and his fine site, it does manage over 10,000 hits a month, and 700 sessions, not too bad for a "dead, stale site" ha!ha! I apologize for the times when the links go bad, but that was with the old web server and web master. I have hired a new server and web master, and all is well, after all, I do actually work for a living. (when well)
I do owe you one thing, these rambling posts of yours are great incentive for me to get out of my sick bed and get back to work! ha!ha!
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