I stand corrected as to diff states laws

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Posted by dozerhead on Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 6:04PM :

In Reply to: Re: Liable for a legal bill even if innocent, $10,000 posted by Keith in Washington on Thursday, November 21, 2002 at 3:32PM :

Point is what is Jonas liab in the deal, sounds like he is free and clear? Or is it in nomans land due to 14 day period for the buyer to fill in the app? I still think it sounds like a mess a bunch of greedy lawyers will make money on straightening out. I have now learned that there are some execptions in different states, but do any of you who have file anything in records if you did not go thru probate in your state, like file a copy of the will and disposition of the assets, both non martial and others disposition, where does the form you had to sign go to? Still sounds like a probate file exists for your deceased. I had to go thru probate with brother, dad, uncle, floors me that it is not done elsewhere, i hope also Jonas gets out of any thing that might hurt him in selling the truck in good faith as i always beleived he did, did not sound right from my point of veiw is all i ever said. Has he been paid and released except for the tags?

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