A Search For Truth

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Posted by MoparNorm on Monday, November 18, 2002 at 10:57AM :

Some of you have purchased parts from Brooklyn County Boy, and some of you feel that you have been ripped off. He has publicly called "me out" after I tried to help some of you here. Please read my response to him titled "Clearing The Air" at the Sweptwagon site. I am looking for the facts and looking to hear from those he owes money to. Here is my post there of this AM.:
I haven't been corrected yet! As you know I have just been trying to find out the truth,...and so far at least 5-6 people that trusted the honesty of my forum users, have complained to me about not getting parts that have been paid for, or getting poor quality parts that were either misrepresented or just plain, the wrong parts.
I can believe that ONE case would be a misunderstanding, however several cases denote a pattern, and the pattern is not good.
So to clear the air, I would like anyone who believes that they were given the short end of a deal with you to post here, so that we can all see just what happened. YOU KNOW that I tried to take care of this in private, YOU KNOW that you made promises to me and others and YOU KNOW that you have still not taken care of this properly. If you have sent money out I expect the parties to state that here also.
PLEASE EVERYONE, no rants, no character assinations, JUST the facts as you see them. A pattern will emerge that will show the truth and the record will speak for itself. Then the truth can be dealt with.
MoparNorm "

PLEASE post your response at the SweptWagon Forum and not here on Joe's bandwidth.

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