Posted by Eric B. on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 11:40AM :
In Reply to: WOW!! posted by Judd on Thursday, November 14, 2002 at 10:55AM :
Your welcome guys, I am tired of all this price complaint, or "why do you put things on E-bay?".
I put things on E-bay for two reasons, one, I sometimes get better prices, two and MUCH more important, if I sell something on E-bay, I get paid(almost without fail).
I could spend the same amount of time trying to sell the same item to folks on the forum, and I would get a bunch of tire kickers, answer lots of questions, send pictures, and still not sell it.
People on this forum often want a DEAL, and I want to make a PROFIT. What is the point in pulling a windshield frame in UT, bringing it home, and selling it for $5 more then I paid for it? I lost money if I do that.
If someone lives in PA, the only place they will get a good windshield frame is from somewhere else, and most folks don't have the time to drive to UT, CO, etc, and search for trucks for a week to find parts.
I figure that Judd, Doug, VPW, etc are providing a valueable service, and while I don't pay some of those prices, I DO drive 2 days to UT, and spend a week searching for trucks to spend less.
I have a basement full of PG parts for me, and I did not pay high prices for them, but my trips costs were HIGH.
Judd, I will pass on your thoughts to J and C in MN!
Good luck guys!
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