Posted by DAvid on Sunday, November 10, 2002 at 0:52AM :
In Reply to: Re: I'm embarrassed!!! posted by snhemi1 on Saturday, November 09, 2002 at 2:15PM :
Actually, I am 'It' as far as I can tell. There are a few old PW's in the valley and quite a few 60's vintage PU's but I have only see one FF on the streets (it belongs to a guy over in Hesperia with a shop by the junkyards) and most the stuff I see in the desert is SUV's (Simply Useless Vehicles) all shiny and cute and not worth spit. There's some stuff sitting in backyards but all-in-all it is a dismal scene. My '66 is painted desert camo. I am one of only three camo vehicles in the valley as far as I can tell. 250,000 people and three camo trucks. America's real men, wherefore art thou? (besides here in this forum...)
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