Posted by Allan Ericson on Wednesday, November 06, 2002 at 5:53PM :
Hi all.
IH nut here. Lots of 68 and earlier IH pickups and travelalls with the same lug pattern as the early power wagons. I'm working with another binder nut to see if I can come up with a less expensive alternative to custom wheels with the same bolt pattern, and it occurs to me that out of a bunch of folks who appreciate old American iron, there is bound to be somebody who has traveled this road before.
I've read the current postings, but I don't see any related threads. If this has not been done yet, we intend to do it, but I can't bring myself to "re-invent the wheel" (sorry) if it's not necessry. I also can't bring myself to spend 300 bucks each for $100 rims. I have recently found a possible source for complete rims for much less, but the catalog hasn't shown up yet. If this is still too much, we can make up the centers ourselves and just weld them to center-less rims with whatever off set we want.
Your experience and opinions would be appreciated.