Posted by Galen on Monday, November 04, 2002 at 8:36AM :
Dear PW friends,
I was involved in a situation that was quite disturbing to me and I wanted to share it with you and garner your comments. First of all this is off the PW area but involves "old iron" so it is relevant in some respect. In additon to PW's, I have like old construction machinerary, specifically cable operated shovels and back hoes. (If any one else likes these things e-mail me) Through the web I began communicating with a fellow who also shared my interest in restoring and opeating these old machines. a month ago he informed me of a nice cable dragline with back hoe attachement for sale in my state ( which shall remain nameless other than it is south of the Mason Dixon Line). So I drove to see him- and he seemed like a descent sort, a mechanic about my age but with one difference. And that is the crux of the story. After we set out in his pick-up truck to see the machine a few miles away, we baegan to chat abotu this and that. The idea was if I was to purchae the 10+ ton beast, I would low boy it to his place where we wqould together "cleanit up, rerig it etc. Sounded good enough to me. Later I would pay to have it hauled to my house in the spring. Since I know little to nothing about these machines, I felt it would be a good way for him tomentor me and teach me all I needed to know. We at one point as wee drove along, some how the conversation drifts into racial matters and soon thereafter it became apparent that this person was a very racist person. He let on that he disliked them N*****s and any non whites and that white males are endangered and all that hate/segregation retoric. Well I first tried to block it out but I thought to myself what more was under the surface and how could I work with a person and keep my machine at ha place with man with such a mind. Well, we stopped for coffee. And upon resuming our trip I blurted out "Turn around, I want to go back." I think this kind of blew his mind but I knew in my heart no machine, was worth compromising my morals. I will not associate with hate mongers. So I passed ont he machine. I think I did the right thing. I think so. The world has enough misery and hate and I refuse to be a part of it. Thanks for letting me air my thoughts.
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