Posted by Merrill Fish on November 07, 1998 at 10:59:20:
In Reply to: welding posted by ron on November 06, 1998 at 21:07:16:
By George!, Ron. Good to know there are still some lead and paddle men around. It appears to be, almost, a lost art. Seriously, in my experience, cleaning and fluxing are of the utmost importance in this work; I've seen many soldered electrical joints fail, structurally or/and electrically, due to failure to clean and/or flux well; not to mention a few plumbing setups as well. A story; (I was going to call it amusing, but it isn't, just old now.); My wife and her father worked for a couple of months on her first car, a '52 Chevy, stripping all of the trim and leading in the holes. Looked like a million dollars when they finished rubbing out the laquer. A couple of days later, she got T-boned by a big T-bird; the car was totaled. A good portion of it looked as if a machine gun had been used on it, but a few of the spots held tight. So, clean it, clean it some more, and do it again; then flux it well, before putting the heat to it.
Thanks for the heads up, Ron.