Posted by james on Thursday, October 31, 2002 at 9:06AM :
In Reply to: off topic- international fire truck 4x4 posted by mannyc on Wednesday, October 30, 2002 at 9:20PM :
Manny, make sure you can get the front end and rear locked before you buy it, the 2 ton suks in mud due to open rears, they stick real easy in stock factory setup. But if you put some michlin 13x20s and lockers and supersingle the rears you will have a great truck,put a sliding window in cab so you can operate winch from cab, these are great underranked trucks that replaced dodge w500 w600 when they quit, what exactly rear$front end is in it, any pics? I have a gmc 7000 single axle work truck and dream of finding binder 4x4 to rob for 4x4 with 16xx20 lockers!