Posted by Jonas. on Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 11:16AM :
In Reply to: quote correction posted by RDavis on Sunday, October 27, 2002 at 1:35AM :
I honestly wanted to know what you did for work with your PW?
Why do you assume that I have a biased opinion?
RDavis, why do you insist on giving me a hard time every chance you get? Do you have some sort of problem with me? 8 months ago every time I would post a question or comment, you would write a belitteling reply for one reason or another. I really wonder why. Maby it makes you feel good, who knows.
I have sold power wagons, but none for that kind of money.
You must be an extraordinary individual, to complain that something you own is worth more now that it was 5 years ago.
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