Posted by James on Friday, October 25, 2002 at 5:22PM :
In Reply to: Re: e-mail me for Phone number? posted by AAA on Friday, October 25, 2002 at 3:46PM :
AAA, i have screwed up computer, no email, anyway the calalog is online but i still really donto know what rear end is in the w500. w600 in the front or the back, how are they called by the medium duty truck people? The site has history about need during ww2 for military trucks in the mud, history repeats itself! They have only axle id by make not application, i can not even tell what a wc, ffpw, w300 is from extensive catalog, too late to call today but will call them tormorrow. my email in to house is cannot email out, changed over to dsl and computer is fighting it out with gateway stacks. Are there 2 versions of the axle in w500 w600, i think i see 2 different spline counts for it/ Is the w300 in the Nov 3 Car trader or the antique custom nov 3 issue, got any idea of what page? Has not hit down here yet at ck> Thanks again
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