Posted by Eric B. on Friday, October 18, 2002 at 11:31AM :
In Reply to: Re: Power Wagon page just passed 1.5 million hits posted by Ken See on Friday, October 18, 2002 at 11:22AM :
Joe requested last time that we not do this, he makes his web money out of ads, etc.
Last time there was an overuse fee, many people sent Joe money, and he told them to stop.
As much as I would like to help Joe out, he is a do it for himself kind of guy.
I have tried to help Joe in the ways he asked, post trucks or ads on the photo classifieds, or buy a banner ad.
I am working on a banner ad for my 57-60 PG PW website, heck for $10 I want more people to see my creation!
If this information is out of date, Joe please correct me, or remove this post, I am not trying to take money from you, just trying to prevent what happened last time.
Thanks for all you do Joe!!!!!!!!
Maybe would could buy Joe a model for christmas?
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