318 industrial timing chain cover

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Posted by Peter Hewko on Saturday, October 05, 2002 at 8:57PM :

I'm trying to locate a timing chain cover for an industrial 318. This particular timing cover mounts the water pump about 2" higher than the standard timing cover and has an extra pair of bolt holes for a motor mount on the front. Pictures of this cover can be seen in the May 1994 Power Wagon Advertiser, in Rob Sexton's article "V8 Power in the M37" (sorry, I don't have a scanner to post the pictures myself).
According to the article, some 60's vintage "industrial 318's, and some engines used in busses and special trucks, had a timing chain cover with two bolt holes drilled and tapped in the front face, about midway between top and bottom...the pump isn't centered. It is at the top, actually projecting above the block."
I have come up dry trying to find one locally. Does anyone know an original application for this cover, know the part number for this timing chain cover, or better yet have one they would be willing to part with? Please contact me at: fspdh1@uaf.edu Any help locating this part would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

-Peter Hewko

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