Posted by Dwight in S. Ft.Worth on Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 11:30PM :
In Reply to: WANTED 6x6 Transfer Case Mounts posted by Paul (in NY) on Saturday, September 14, 2002 at 10:57PM :
I tried to find a set a couple of weeks back with no success. Not even at VPW. A man named Don Scott sent me a pattern to use on my wifes WC51&1/2 that he used on a two speed t/c conversion to his carryall. The pattern worked great , lined up the holes drilled two new 1/2" holes and bolted it right up with PW t/c mounts. A few other minor mods and I had it in and running the same day.
If you want the patterns let me know off forum and I'll send them to you. I'll also tell you about the other things that had to be changed to make everything clear. Everything I needed to do the swap was right off one of my PW parts trucks, nothing too tricky.
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