Posted by Eric B. on Monday, September 09, 2002 at 10:32AM :
In Reply to: I've got the" Power Giant" fever posted by Jeff in N. Texas on Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 10:16PM :
Remember that with most things, the first time is the hardest, the second time is easier, and after that it is a slippery slope to total and complete overkill!
I started with one (that is 1) truck in 1998, early this summer I had five (that's 5), now I have sold two and I have three (count them, 1, 2, 3)!
The bad part? I want MORE! I will buy more, and then I will buy even more! Each one will get harder and harder to part with, until someday, if I am not careful, I will be like some of my friends with 15-20 trucks in their yard.
Of course there is a cure for this problem, in fact there are two.
Option 1, become a Monk in some country that never had PWs, and never go outside. After 20 years or so it may be safe to come home. Just never open a PWA, or look on the net for pictures of PWs again, and you might be safe.
Option 2, embrace your PW addiction, and make friends with it, after all, it is not:
Drinking, a much worse addiction to have (though PWs may involve drinking, at least you are drinking WITH your PW, which is by definition, not alone!).
Drugs, not much good to say about that as an addiction.
Collecting small trinkets that clutter your house (what would the point of that be? You don't need extra storage for it!)
Other women (though your wife may think it is almost as bad, at least she will know where you are!).
Golf, you get SO frustated, and at the end of the day, you didn't get any work done on your PW!
So be happy, you are following the best path you can in life, you are doing something that makes you happy, and you are helping the environment, remember the three Rs?
Reduce, Reuse, Recycle!
Well, you Reduce the clutter in junkyards, and other peoples backyards (we wont mention your backyard!).
You Reuse many old parts that would otherwise just rot into the ground or be thrown out(just think of all the time it took to create those parts).
You Recycle many tons of scrap metal into a living object that can be admired by many, and you also take the parts you really can't use, and have them made into new cars/other metal products.
Plus you are helping to preserve some of our history for the future(maybe you could get a Gov. grant based on that?).
See I knew you would make the right choice!
Have fun as a Monk! :-)