Posted by Harry on Sunday, September 08, 2002 at 11:24AM :
In Reply to: Re: Medium and Heavy Duty Trucks posted by pj in M.O. on Saturday, September 07, 2002 at 6:02PM :
The truck that we make daily fuel deliveries with is a 1975 D-600 (well over 500K on it), we have a 1976 D-800 and in the USA they made them until 1977.In Mexico they were produced until at least 1990 and with square headlamps. In 1990 during the seige of Kuwait, I watched some news man on street corner in saudi and you were able to see the vehicles go past. School must have just turned out as probably 25-30 Dodge School Buses drove past and knowing how those people do business they were fairly new .
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