Re: Questions for you

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Posted by Todd Wilson on Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 2:06PM :

In Reply to: Questions for you posted by Kevin in Ohio on Tuesday, July 30, 2002 at 1:21PM :

The KLEZ can pick up email address's via web browser cache files. How many people here have their emails listed on the forum? I click on the blue "Kevin in Ohio" at the top of your message and POOF theres your email address ready for me to send! The KLEZ virus is running on someone's machine on this forum and its scanning the cache files and we all know along with the virus that a XXXXXXX@XXX.XXX is probably an email address so it sends it along with random words from the same cache file making it look legit! It can also take email address's from the address book of Outlook as you stated. Sometimes it is wrong and thats why we get the oddball mail cant be deliverered emails from servers we never sent email to.

Also you may have sent email to someone that was a real email. That person could have been infected and now KLEZ has your email address to add to its pot of address's to use. From there it keeps snow balling.


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