Posted by James Fuller-Devine on Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 10:14PM :
In Reply to: off topic posted by Clint Dixon on Thursday, July 18, 2002 at 8:23PM :
Did I sneeze? NO, this muscle is DEEP in the lower back muscles. Deep enough that the muscles closer to the skin are often blamed. This matters like blaming the xfer case for a transmission problem. The lower back muscles closer to the skin(Erector Spinae, which as you might get from the name, keep your spine upright), DO NOT perform the same function as the ES much like the xfer-trans. Some similarities but definitely NOT fixed the same way. The QL muscles attach to the top of the pelvis, last rib(first rib is just under your collar bone) and the SIDES of ALL four lumbral vertebrae(lower back). The QL moves your torso side to side(side bends). If one side is too tight and stays tight for too long then it makes sense to me your disc is going to swell on one side as an infammatory response to the continuious tension. The disc swells and pushes against a nerve lightly at first then progressively more as the swelling increases(radiating pain down leg/sciatica). Now what? Fourtunately, the body is almost completely made up of muscles that have antagonist. In this case if your left side is too tight, tighten up the QL on the other side. For the left QL to contract, the right QL MUST relax(and vice versa). To contract/shorten one QL as much as possible the oppisite one HAS to relax/lengthen as much as possible. They are dependent on each other. When you do get the aggravated QL to relax, the disc will need time to get back to normal. Print this out and send/email/show it to your chiropractor. This is just my opinion. I started having back(upper and lower) problems in 7TH grade. Some exercise helped but doing side bends with weights made my back feel indestructible. I got to the point(10 years later(read took my time getting there)) where I could do 3 non-stop repetitions with a 145LB weight in my hand just to give you an example of how strong the QL can become. Most if not all of the World's Strongest Man competitors do them with 200+LBS. They seems to be none worse for the wear(Jog with a fridge on your back anyone?). Let me know what your chiro says. I posted rather than emailed this for anyone else who might hurt who doesn't need to. Good Luck!!