Posted by jason lewis on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 9:57PM :
In Reply to: Re: Do any of you actually 4-wheel in your PW's posted by Clint Dixon on Tuesday, July 16, 2002 at 1:19AM :
You guys definately don't seem like the trailer queen crowd. But noone seems to talk about off roading. I am an avid off roader. i LOVE to 4-wheel. I do it whenever I can but I have to be pretty familiar with the rig first so I know how far I can push it. maybe if there is a rally in a near by state(Utah) I could make it and you guys could show me some REAL off roading! don't get me wrong though i've had some pretty hairy off road trips, rolled my dads ford P.O.S. after backing up and having the ditch bank colapse from under neath me. even had a sheriff ask me to chase a guy who ran off up the mountain when i had my '79 PW. i had the sucker on two wheels before i decided i wasn't going to find him. i came down and one of the local cops was stuck in the mud in his new chevy. i asked him if he wanted me to pull me out he said NO. you could tell he was embaressed. me a cop STUCK? no way. too funny