Posted by BIG bob on Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 3:53PM :
In Reply to: old canister filters do not use "O" rings posted by mike stone on Thursday, July 11, 2002 at 12:54PM :
Lets set the record straight....First Chrysler MoPar did NOT make the oil filters.....these were made by either Puralator, FRAM, or Donaldson for Chrysler and were placed in MoPar boxes and given a MoPar part number but they were all standard production models used on many makes and models of cars, trucks, industrial and farm equipment.. Now if you have a Puralator 900 series it will use a true "O" ring.. as this is the way it was first equiped, now you can use a flat gasket in its place and most refills will only have the flat style....the rest of the makes were made for and will use a flat gasket...