Posted by Brushbuster on Sunday, July 07, 2002 at 4:32PM :
In Reply to: Re: John Zentmyer manuals posted by Fred Coldwell on Saturday, July 06, 2002 at 12:25PM :
Thanks heard wrong thanks for tip, i have not given up on swap but amsetback waiting on some photos from walmart on cd so i can post here, have met a lot of gearheads thru site and have found machine shop that has put the 3053a into the powerwagon by drilling and machining bell housings. Just how and what bell they are using i will hopefully know when camera returns from this shop. They also told me that they will custom machine the input to mimic any chevy, dodge, etc as long as it is not longer than 3953a, which to me. looks like a harpoon! There are also clarks 280vo done in this shop in a similar matter. They will sell the input shaft and bell seperately, with a trans, or with a new trans. Of couse i just want the bell and big input shaft to bolt up to their t/o lever in their bell. Guy has powerwagon in yard as winchtrk and is up on the many diff combos. I am not!!!! I cannot beleive according to him thta they have been doing this all along. I never run into anytype of custom trans adapters fro mil into pw, just to few or weird for most big $$4 shops. Hope its not bs!!!!! Thanks James.Was curious if zenrmyer used what bell in pw that has np435 in 11inch or 13 inch?