Posted by DAvid on Friday, July 05, 2002 at 4:13PM :
For non-left coasters, I apologize and please bear with me..........I don't know if you're politically active but it is time to be. We are looking at a 50¢ per gallon gas tax, a 2¢ per mile surcharge and a 150% increase in vehicle ($100 will now be $250) registration, a $3500 per vehicle SUV tax, a 5¢ per bullet surcharge on ammunition, and increased income taxes if the demoncraps get their way on the budget. Please write to Jim Brulte (he's a local republicat about to roll over) Dave Kelley (he is too), Richard Dickerson (another rollover) and tell them NO! on the gas tax, the registration fee, the SUV fee and the mileage fee in fact, ANY new taxes. Thank Helen Thompson for her stand against these fees as she is a demoncrap who refused to vote for the increases. Their contact information can be found at the state's official website
Please sign for both you and any other voting age household members. This tax bill will KILL the Ca. Economy and be self-defeating as unemployed people and bankrupt and deceased companies can't pay taxes.
DAvid aka
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