Posted by Dana on Wednesday, July 03, 2002 at 0:11AM :
Eric B. just reminded me I didn't post anything after the Americruise parade through Lincoln. OUTSTANDING!!!!! Something like a zillion cars (... I could be off a bit there) and the next night (Saturday) everyone cruised 'O' Street (THEE longest, straightest main street in the world!! Hey, it's one of our only claims to fame, so we brag on it!). I did see Jim and 'Bud' Bescheinen (sorry if I butchered your last name) with their Dodges on 'O'. I entrusted my camera to my daughter (13 going on 19!) since I thought I should watch the road. She sat in back with a friend and I guess enjoyed waving at all the 'cute boys'. Needless to say I have about two photos of this years Americruise parade. Suffice to say it was a sight to behold!! Sure could have used more Power Wagons out there!! Someone did drive by me before it started with a great looking M-37, but I didn't see the driver. Gary Gonkin??
Maybe Jim or Calvin got some photos we can get posted here.