Posted by Gordon on Tuesday, July 02, 2002 at 1:59AM :
In Reply to: Re: ditzler 30575 per "Dodge Pickups" history & re posted by Joey (MA) on Monday, July 01, 2002 at 8:51PM :
Olive drab, has to be.
If it had some history as a Marine Corps vehicle then gloss oilve, but OD for most of them
There is a bit of variation in the shades of OD that WW2 vehicles were painted, after all getting them painted was more important than the actual shade.
Experts (?) say that the early WW2 OD was a little yellower and not as dark, while late trucks had more 'green' in them, but I'm not sure they didn't start off pretty much the same colour and the differences you see now are more due to differences in paint and weathering.
Pull some part off that has original paint hidden underneath and just match it. Use modern paint, but don't do too good a job as the originals weren't that tidy and the most common 'fault' with a restored WW2 army Dodge is to have it looking too good.....