Posted by Bryan on Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 1:30PM :
In Reply to: Re: W500 Pulling ? posted by james on Saturday, June 22, 2002 at 12:38PM :
I dont believe for a minute that Dodge or any other reputable company would put a 2 speed rear end under a truck with a driven front axle-lockouts or not. It just didnt happen. Im not saying that they are not out there, but they are not original.
That is a lot of weight for a W500 to pull!! 46000 lbs plus the trailer and truck....must have been 60000 or so loaded. Ill pass on the ride at 70 mph, thank you. 15000 is not a problem for a W500. I pull my pulling tractor and gooseneck behind my K30 crew cab and other than completely running out of power on hills, it handles it OK. The tractor weighs 13600, the trailer around 4400, and the truck around 7000, so at 25000 gross, Im LOADED. Make sure you have good functional trailer brakes and keep it at 55 or under. Happy trailering!
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